23 January 2008

NMdT S09E08 .: Sacrifice to Zabalú

1. Mandingo. sacrifice to the sun [LP Sacrifice/1975/Emi]
2. Power. children ask [SG/MGM/1967]
3. Mike Kennedy. she's walking away [SG/Barclay/1969]
4. Richard Barnes. take to the mountains [SG/Philips/1970]
5. Travel Agency. come to me [LP st/Viva/1968]
6. The Ill Wind. high flying bird [LP Flashes/ABC/1968]
7. Brimstones. it's all over now but the crying [SG/MGM/1966]
8. The Loved Ones. a love like ours [SG/In/1967]
9. Roman Rebellion. every groovy day [SG/RCAVictor/1968]
10. Trocha Angosta. zabalú [SG/MusicHall/1975]
11. Jacobson & Tansley. dream with me [SG/Filmways/1966]
12. The Hook. love theme in E major [SG/Uni/1968]
13. The Natural Gas. sunnydays [SG/Renee/1969]
14. The Trade Winds. new york's a lonely town [SG/RedBird/1965]

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