28 September 2005

NMdT S07E03 .: Up Through the Spiral

1. Sugar Loaf. soul walk [VVAA A Good Example of What it is]
2. Unidades. much more [VVAA Andergraun Vibrations]
3. Byrdie Green. return of the prodigal son [VVAA Soul Jazz vol 01]
4. People. i love you [SG/Capitol]
5. Salloom, Sinclair and the Mother Bear. griffin [LP s/t Cadet]
6. Barbara & Ernie. somebody to love [VVAA The Mighty Mellow]
7. Fever Tree. san francisco girls [SG/Uni]
8. Poe. up up through the spiral [SG/Uni]
9. People. somebody tell me my name [SG/Capitol]
10. The Paupers. it's your mind [LP Magic People / VerveForecast]
11. Francis Lai. all at once it's love [OST Vivre por Vivre]
12. The Dave Clark Five. inside and out [SG/Epic]
13. The Abstracts. see the birdies [SG/Pompeii]
14. Spirit of John Morgan. i want you [SG/Carnaby]

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