28 May 2008

NMdT S09E15 .: A's and B's part ii

Second part of a two episodes show featuring double sider 45's!

1. David Clayton-Thomas. say boss man [SG/Decca/1969]
2. Kevin King Lear. (you got) the power of love [SG/PageOne]
3. The ID. watch out [SG/Spin/1967]
4. The Moquettes. you came along[SG/MGM/1964]
5. The Force Five. i want you babe [SG/Ascot/1965]
6. Don and Jerry with The Fugitives. in the cover of night [SG/Fabor/1965]
7. Steampacket. shes's down [SG/Knäppupp/1967]
8. Boston Tea Party. is it love [SG/Fona/1967]
9. The Innovation. i acn make it without you [Sg/RCAVictor/1967]
10. The Tears. read all about it [SG/Scorpio/1966]
11. The Renaissance. the name of the game is love [SG/Toddlin Town]
12. The Touch. no shame [SG/Public/1968]
13. Finestuff. i want you [SG/Ra-Sel/]
14. Jefferson Lee. sorcerella [SG/OriginaSound/1969]
15. Crowd+1. try [SG/Capitol]
16. Plastic Penny. baby you're not to blame [SG/PageOne/1968]

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